![]() This month at GITC, we are buzzing...about bees! Bees fly from flower to flower, spreading pollen wherever they go. They are vital to the pollination cycle and help plants grow and thrive. They live in hives, or colonies, and work together to create something sweet -- honey, of course! GITC is a lot like a hive. Our entire community works together to create something sweet -- access to musical learning for ALL students! And just like bees fly from flower to flower spreading pollen, GITC teachers “fly” from student to student, spreading creativity and an enthusiasm for learning. ![]() This year, due to COVID-19, we re-homed our own hive from in-person school to online classrooms! Sometimes bees must be rehomed in nature, too, in order to be safe and keep humans safe, too. Rancho Santa Fe author, Janet Lawless Christ, puts a musical twist on the topic of bee rehoming in her new book, Bizzie the Beat Loving, Bumbling Bee. In this picture book for children ages 2 through 9, two humans use the power of music to re-home a swarm of “bumbling” bees. And although this strategy is different than how professional bee rescuers re-home bees, we love Janet’s positive message and creativity! We are also buzzing with excitement to announce that Janet’s company, JoyWorks Networks, Inc, is donating a portion of the proceeds from Bizzie to GITC! “Teaching children about complementary relationships between different species, and how we humans can adapt our ways to support others to thrive is such important, compassionate work,” explains GITC's Executive Director, Jess Baron. “Students and teachers everywhere are going through an unimaginable this year. It is our hope that Bizzie will inspire young students to overcome their fears to find gentle and caring solutions that protect creatures great or small like the bumble bees." ![]() Ms. Christ's journey learning to play the ukulele also plays a key part in her story. She feels passionately about music and its importance in the lives of all children. So she chose our nonprofit as a beneficiary to receive a portion of the book's profits. We are most grateful for her support. You can read more about Janet Lawless Christ and Bizzie HERE! Learn about Ms. Christ's organization, Joyworks here: joyworksnetworks.com/products/bizzie-the-beat-loving-bumbling-bee. Guitars and Ukes in the Classroom is committed to protecting and healing our planet and we celebrate and teach about ecology through our Green Songbook!
![]() To explore safe methods for re-homing bees and to learn the latest progress addressing Colony Collapse Disorder please explore these resources below. Four Tips to Rescue a Honey Bee Swarm https://www.hobbyfarms.com/4-tips-to-rescue-a-honey-bee-swarm-2/ Re-Homing a Wild Hive video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usvWMIBuqKw Honeylove Be-Rehoming in Santa Monica https://honeylove.org/rescuebees/ San Diego Bee Re-Homing Expert https://honeybeerescue.com/ Colony Collapse Disroder Progress Report, 2020 https://www.hobbyfarms.com/colony-collapse-disorder-update-2020/ Also make sure to check out GITC volunteer, Rich Poser's incredible account of his personal experience moving a live colony and their beehive safely out of his roof! Download the full PowerPoint presentation or PDF below. The PowerPoint has a book animation feature when played as a slide show. ![]()
January 2025